Heavenly Father, I have sinned against You.  I am not worthy of your salvation.  I am asking you to forgive me of my sins.  I do believe that you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross.  I do believe what the Bible says.  He died for my sins.
     Father, I here and now receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.  I accept Your forgiveness for my sins.  I surrender my life to You.  Amen
    If you pray this prayer and mean it, you are just as saved as anyone who has ever lived and you will begin a brand new life. Now and forever you are a child of God.  You don't become a child of God because of any thing you do.  This is provided by the Cross and the grace of God.
     You may or may not have deep emotional feelings right now, but don't worry about that.  Sometimes the feelings come immediately and other times they come later.
   The main things are:
    1. To pray this prayer and mean it
      2. Find a good Christian church and attend it
    3. Be baptized