You say you  believe that when you are dead , you are dead and that’s it. That means you have about as much hope and intelligence as an amoeba.  If you have
any  intelligence at all, then you will have hope for the future.  Without hope,  what do you have?   A few moments of fun and work in this world. And I do mean moments. Because compared to eternity your life in this world is only a blink of  an eye.
      Do you think you were put in this world just to have as much fun as you can and then die and that’s it?  That reasoning just doesn’t make sense.
     We were put here for God.  He was lonely and He created man in His own image to have fellowship with Him.  He also gave man the free choice of  accepting Him or not.  That’s the way it should be, a choice on your part.  God could have put into man an order that he had to love Him, but that wouldn’t be the same.  It would be like you holding a gun on some one and telling that person that they had to love you.  Only when love is given freely does it mean  anything.  So we have the choice of loving God or not.

     God gave us this brief time on earth to make our decision to love Him and His Son.  That decision will affect the rest of your life and your eternity.

HOPE:   A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.


                      WHEN YOU DIE, YOU GO TO HEAVEN OR HELL

                              IT'S YOUR CHOICE 

                  HE DID THIS FOR YOU
